not...until强调句型的运用说明 请看一道题: It was not __________ he took off his dark glasses __________ I realized he was a famous singer. A. when,that                        B. until,that                        C. until,when                        D. when,then 此题选B。考查 not.…


not...until用于强调句型的用法 有这样一道考题,其中涉及了 not…until… 句型: It was not __________ he took off his dark glasses __________ I realized he was a famous singer. A. when,that                 B. until,that                  C. until,when                D. when,then 此题选 B。考查 no…


这道题是考查强调句吗 请看这道题,它是考查强调句吗: It’s about half a century __________ the People’s Republic of China was liberated. A. when                         B. that                        C. since                        D. after 此题应选C。容易误选B。有的考生一见到句首的 It’s,再一看选项中的that,就马上联想到…


It is...that通常不能强调哪些成分   请看一道题: It was a teacher that she __________. A. was                        B. seemed                        C. looked                        D. married 此题应选D。从句意上看似乎4个选项都行,其实这里只能填D。因为填A,B,C 中的任意一个选项,都会导致句中的 a teacher成为表语,然而按照强调句句法规则,It…


这不是考查强调句吗   请看下面一题,它是考查强调句式吗? It might have been John __________ bought a new book for Mary yesterday. A. what                        B. since                        C. that                        D. then 此题应选 C。此题的难点在于考生看不出这是一个强调句型,因为主句的谓语动词be采用了might have be…


这是考查强调句式吗 我们先看一道题: It’s more than half a century _________ the People’s Republic of China was liberated. A. when                        B. that                        C. since                        D. after 有的考生一见到句首的 it’s,再一看选项中的that,就马上联想到It is...that... 这样…


强调结构能强调哪些成分 强调结构是:It +is/was+被强调成分+that+句子的剩余部分。如果我们要强调一个句子的某个部分时,就将要强调的那个部分放在it is/was与that之间,而句子的其余部分原封不动地直接放在that之后。此结构可强调除谓语动词外的各种成分。 (1) 强调主语 It was he that saw Mr. Wang on TV yesterday. 是他在电视上看到了王先生。 (2) 强调宾语 It was Mr. Wang that he saw on TV yesterday. …


强调句与定语从句 有这样一道题: It was in the small house ______ was built with stones by his father ______ he spent his childhood. A. which, that                           B. that, which C. which, which                        D. that, where 【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选,主要是分不清为强调句型,或即使分清…


学习强调结构的8个易错点 一、关于结构中的that 此结构中,除强调的是作主语或宾语的人时可以用who外,其它任何情况都只能用that。如: It was Kate that/who told me about it. 是凯特告诉那件事的。 It was yesterday afternoon that she told me about it. 是昨天下午她把那件事告诉我的。(that不能用when替代) 二、关于结构中be的形式 原句中谓语动词是过去式,强调结构的be用is,原句谓语动词是现在时或将来时,强调结…


此题是考查强调句式吗 下面这道题是考查强调句式吗? It was lack of money, not of effort, _________ defeated their plan. A. which                     B. as                        C. that                        D. what 【分析】此题容易误选A,受空格前逗号的影响,误认为这是一个非限制性定语从句,从而误选了A。其实,此题最佳答案为C,整个句子为一个 it w…
