Since I went to middle school, I had told myself that I was not a little kid anymore. I needed to grow up. So the first thing is not to ask my parents for help at the first time. I should take some time to think about the difficulty and then figure out the sol…


With the development of Chinese economy, the world is seeking business cooperation with China, so as to win the booming market. Learning the local language helps them to win more Chinese customers, so more and more foreigners start to learn mandarin, but they …


【摘要】每个人面对困难的时候,都会勇敢地去克服它。 【篇一】关于克服困难的初三英语作文 Recently, I have seen an impressive film –Precious, which tells the growing experiences about a pretty fat black girl, Precious Jones, a girl living in the Harlem. The film reveals the poor and miserable life in the …


写一篇题为 How I Overcome Difficulties in Learning English (我是怎样克服困难学好英语的)的英语短文。 写作任务:你是怎样克服困难学好英语的?①你在英语学习中有哪些困难? ②你是如何克服这些困难的? 审题构思 注意以下几点: ①存在的困难。在短文的第一段就应该写出“我”在英语学习中存在的问题,比如受家乡话发音的影响,/r/音和/l/音不分;记忆力差,很难扩大词汇量;阅读速度慢,不能在规定的时间内把试题做完等。 ②采取的措施。在第二段中,要简单说明“我”是如何克服这些困…
