有关于自我介绍的英语作文(精选10篇) 来到一个陌生的地方时,时常需要用到自我介绍,自我介绍是结识新朋友的重要手段。写自我介绍时总是没有新意?下面是小编精心整理的有关于自我介绍的英语作文(精选10篇),仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 自我介绍的英语作文 篇1 Hi, everybody! Today, I would like to introduce myself! My name is Cheng Zi Ying, 9 years old this year, I am a lovely little girl.…


英语作文如何达到字数不拖沓累赘都是大家关注的问题。以下是小编为大家整理的八年级英语作文精选,希望对八年级同学写英语作文有所帮助。 八年级英语作文篇一 Shanghai is my favourite city in China. It's the biggest cities in China with an area of 6,340square kilometers and a population of 23.48 million. Moreover, Shanghai is the central city…


When the teacher asks me the question of what do I want to be in the future, I would tell him without hesitation that being a teacher is always my dream. This is my ideal job, because the contribution that I can make brings me the greatest happiness. I like re…


I will graduate soon, so I am so busy finding my future job, at first, I have no idea what kind of job I should take, I want to live near home, so I can see my parents often, what’s more, I also want to find the job which is stable and permanent. There are man…


After four years’ study in the college, I will graduate soon. I am looking for the job, at the same time, I try to figure out what kind of job I like. Deep in my heart, I want to be a teacher and I want to go further, being a college teacher is the job I like …


Work and play is an eternal topic for human being, people work so hard all the time, they need to improve their life level by working, while at the same time, playing for fun is people’s desire, they are willing to play in their hearts, but they know they can’…


Generally, from Monday to Friday, 9 o’clock to 17 o’clock is the working time. Most people do their work according to the working time, only a few people finish their work that is measured by task. In my opinion, task-based work is the most efficient way to fi…


Doctor is a common profession, but its content and duty make this profession not common.  Different people have different views towards this job. In my opinion, being a doctor has advantages and disadvantages.  医生是一个很普遍的职业,但是其工作内容和责任使其变得不普通。对于这个工作不同的人有不同的观点。在我…


It is known to all that the working hour is admitted to be 9 A.M to 5 P.M. For a lot of people, they just sit in the office and wait for the clock to tell them that they can go home. But today, with the development of Internet, many work requires for creativit…


As college graduates start to think about their future, they need to make choice between high pay and interest. An ideal job contains both factors, but sometimes students just can choose one of them. In my opinion, as a college graduate, it is better to work o…
