以a-开头的形容词用法新探·alight 一、alight的用法 1. 基本词义:烧着,点着(on fire; lit) 2. 作表语。如: The house was alight with candles. 屋子里点着蜡烛,亮堂堂的。 Her dress caught alight in the gas fire. 她的衣服让煤气炉烧着了。 有时用于比喻义。如: Their faces were alight with joy. 他们因喜悦而容光焕发。 3. 作宾语补足语。如: A cigarette set …


以a-开头的形容词用法新探·akin 一、akin的用法 1. 基本词义:近似,有关系(similar; related) 2. 作表语。如: Pity and love are closely akin. 怜悯近乎爱。 Listening to his life story is akin to reading a good adventure novel. 听他的生活经历近乎读一部冒险小说。 3. 作宾语补足语。如: They debase the polished and current language o…


以a-开头的形容词用法新探·akimbo 一、akimbo的用法 1. 基本词义:两手叉腰的 (used of arms and legs) bent outward with the joint away from the body 2. 作表语。如: He was akimbo upon the silent earth. 3. 作宾语补足语。如: He stood in front of the shop with arms akimbo. 他两手叉腰, 站在铺子前。 The exclusively pers…


以a-开头的形容词用法新探·ajar 一、ajar的用法 基本词义为:(指门)微开着,半开着((of a door) slightly open)。在句中可用作作表语和宾语补足语。如: The door was / stood ajar. 那扇门半开着。 He left his mouth slightly ajar. 他微张着嘴。 二、ajar的搭配 1. 用于be / stand ajar。如: The office door stood ajar. 办公室的门半开着。 2. 用于leave sth ajar。…


以a-开头的形容词用法新探 • aground 一、aground 的用法 ■基本义:(指船)搁浅  (of ships) touching the bottom in shallow water ■作表语。例如: The tanker was / went / ran aground. 油船搁浅了。 We were winning the boat race until our boat went aground (on an sand bank). 我们快要赢得这次赛艇比赛时,突然我们的船搁浅了。 When i…


以a-开头的形容词用法新探‧agape 一、agape 的用法 ◎基本义:张口发呆的; 目瞪口呆的 very surprised, expectant, or eager, esp as indicated by a wide open mouth ◎用作表语。例如: Nancy's mouth was agape. 南希目瞪口呆。 ◎用作作宾语补足语。例如: He watched with mouth agape. 他张着大嘴注视着。 Old Cheng who had woken was yawning. Hi…


以a-开头的形容词用法新探 • aghast 一、aghast 的用法 基本义:惊奇的;惊恐的 (filled with horror or amazement) ■作表语 1. aghast at sth。例如: Scarlett was aghast at such words coming from Melly of all people. 思嘉想不到媚兰竟说出这样的话来,觉得太可怕了。 2. aghast to do sth。例如: As I lay in that dark hour, I was agh…


以a-开头的形容词用法新探 • agog 一、agog 的用法 基本义:渴望的;急切的;兴奋的;激动的 (eager; excited) ■作表语 agog to do sth. 渴望做某事。例如: All London was agog to see the two “parents”of radium. 伦敦全城都渴望见到这两位镭的“父母”。 ■作宾语补足语 That set the whole town agog with excitement. 那件事使全镇的居民兴奋不已。 The prospect of …


以a-开头的形容词用法新探 • afraid 一、afraid的用法 A. 作表语 1. 不敢[害怕](做某事)的 (unwilling to do something because you are worried about what will happen if you do it.) 相当于frightened。 (1) afraid of sb / sth 害怕某人[物] 例如: Are you afraid of snakes? (=Are you frightened of snakes? / Do …


以a-开头的形容词用法新探·afoot 一、afoot的用法 在准备中;在进行中(being prepared or progressing) (1) 作表语。例如:Across the Taiwan Strait a second set of historically profound changes is afoot. 海峡对面的中国大陆正在发生着第二轮影响深刻的巨变。 (2) 作后置定语。例如: If there is any mischief afoot, he is sure to be in at i…
