小词详解 | lurch

发布时间:2023-05-03T21:23:11 英语口语
小词详解 | lurch第1张
lurch 英 [lɜːtʃ] 美 [lɜːrtʃ]



  • Countries should try to ensure that their welfare systems do not penalise marriage among the poor. They should not, however, lurch in the other direction by providing tax benefits to the married.
  • Each time, as I lurched forward out of my cough medicine stupor, I felt a warm, comforting hand on my arm.


[verb] make an abrupt, unsteady, uncontrolled movement or series of movements; stagger
[动词] 做出突然的、不稳定的、不受控制的动作或一系列动作;摇晃地走


Lurch 一词同前不久推过的熟词僻义 staple 一样,也是一个同形异义词。其最常用的含义“突然前倾”或“向一侧倾斜”可能源自法语 lacher (放松、松开),比如:

  • 火车突然向前晃动了一下,一些站着的人跌倒了。
    The train lurched forward and some of the people standing fell over.
  • 该党突然倒向右倾将会失去很多人的支持。
    The party's wild lurch to the right will lose it a lot of support.

除了物理上的突然前倾以外, lurch 还可以表示内在的突然前倾,即“(突然感到恐怖或激动时心或胃)猛地一跳、猛地一动”,比如:

  • 他见到她时心怦然一跳。
    His heart gave a lurch when he saw her.

往往有的时候,突然的前倾不只是就那么一下,而是前后左右来来回回地不停前倾,这也可以用 lurch 表示,即“左右摇晃、磕磕绊绊地走”,比如:

  • 那男人醉醺醺地踉跄着走出了酒吧。
    The man lurched drunkenly out of the pub.
  • 她情路坎坷。
    She just lurches from one bad relationship to another.


  • 州政府陷入一个又一个的预算危机。
    The state government has lurched from one budget crisis to another.

另外, lurch 还有一个不常用的含义“(在纸牌戏等中)一败涂地”则是源自中古英语 lurch (在需要技巧的游戏中以大比分取胜)。这个含义进一步引申指“困境”,从而留下了一个常用的非正式习语 leave sb in the lurch ,意思是“弃某人于危难之中、置某人于困境而不顾”,比如:

  • 你总不会对老朋友见死不救吧?
    You wouldn't leave an old friend in the lurch, surely?


I've never been able to plan my life. I just lurch from indecision to indecision.

出自英国电视剧、电影演员阿兰·里克曼(Alan Rickman,1946年2月21日-2016年1月14日)。阿兰·里克曼因出演《哈利·波特》(Harry Potter)系列电影中神秘阴沉的西弗勒斯·斯内普(Severus Snape)教授而广为人知。


  • stagger: walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall
  • stumble: trip repeatedly as one walks
  • totter: move in a feeble or unsteady way