
发布时间:2023-04-05T07:51:56 英语口语


Bob: Hi. I thought I’d call and touch base. How are the party plans going?  喂,我想我应该跟你打个电话了解下情况。现在派对计划得怎么样了?
Gloria: Well, just between you and me, there’s a problem. It’s Matt. I think he got wind of the surprise party. 额,就我们两个之间说,现在有个问题,是马特,我想他已经听到了有关这个惊喜派对的风声了。
Bob: How? 怎么会呢?
Gloria: I don’t know. Somebody who’s in the loop may have let him in on it. I’ll see him later and try to find out. I won’t beat around the bush. I’ll say, “What are you doing for your birthday?” I’ll be in touch as soon as I’ve seen him. 我不知道。可能是我们中有人告诉了他。我待会儿见到他来了解下是怎么回事。我不会拐弯抹角,我会直接说:“你准备怎么过生日的?”一旦我看到他,我再跟你联系。

Talking and telling 谈话和告诉
Open up 自由坦诚地谈论某事
between you and me 我们之间的秘密; 彼此之间
Let someone in on something 告诉某人(秘密的)某事
Compare notes 交换意见
Touch base (with someone) 告知(某人)某事的相关情况
Pick up on something 继续谈论某人之前说的事情
Beat around the bush 不直截了当地说,旁敲侧击,拐弯抹角
Bend someone’s ear (非正式)(尤指迫切地或为了请求帮助而)喋喋不休地缠住某人,与某人纠缠
Get through (to somebody) 用电话联系(某人)

Listening to or trying to get someone to talk 听和试图让某人说话
Draw someone out 引某人开口或畅谈自己的感受
Lend an ear (to someone) 倾听(某人)

Not talking 不说话
Bite / hold your tongue 忍住不说,保持缄默
Clam up: to refuse to talk 拒不开口; 三缄其口,守口如瓶

Receiving information 接受信息
Get wind of something 听到某事的风声
In touch (with someone) 与(某人)保持联系
In the loop 在消息圈内;在决策圈内;在参与机密的智囊团内