
发布时间:2022-04-22T10:47:04 英语语法



1. 并列连词for的用法


The days were short, for it was now December. 白天很短,因为现在已经是12月。

I decided to stop and have lunch—for I was feeling hungry. 我决定停下来吃饭——因为我觉得饿了。

He must be out, for there is no light in the room. 他准是出去了,因为屋里没有灯。

She does not go out in the winter, for she feels the cold a great deal. 她冬天不出门,因为他特别怕冷。

We listened eagerly, for he brought news of our families. 他给我们带来了家里的消息,我们都迫不及待地听着。

We listened eagerly, for he brought news of our families. 他给我们带来了家里的消息, 我们都迫不及待地听著。


For it was now December, the days were short.

2. 并列连词so的用法


It’s very cold, so wear a heavy coat. 外边很冷,因此穿一件厚大衣吧。

There were no buses, so I came by bicycle. 没有公共汽车,所以我就骑自行车来了。

The door was locked, so we couldn’t get in. 门上锁了,所以我们进不去。

It was dark, so I couldn’t see what was happening. 天很黑,所以我看不见发生了什么事。

I’m off on holiday, so I won’t be seeing you for a bit. 我要外出度假,所以有一段时间我就见不着你了。

He told me to do it and so I did it. 他叫我那么做,所以我就做了。

She wrote a famous book, and so won a place in history. 她写了一本名著,所以在历史上有一席之地。


Because it’s very cold, so wear a heavy coat.