
发布时间:2021-03-14T18:41:00 高中英语作文

假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,你的英国好友Jim 从微信朋友圈看到你参加了学校的红十字急救社团(Red Cross First Aid Club),写信向你了解情况。请给他回信,内容包括:2021年1月海淀学校红十字社团英语作文范文第1张

1. 社团简介;

2. 社团开展的沽动;

3. 你的收获

注意:1. 词数不少于100;



Dear Jim,

How is everything going? Since you asked about the Red Cross First Aid Club that I’m in, let me tell you something about it.

The club was founded last year to promote health educationamong students. So far, it has attracted over 100 students who are interested in health-related issues and willing to lend a hand during emergencies.The members meet every week to take courses or take part in voluntary services. Recently, we have just received CPR training and learnt how to use the AED device, which is now available in most public places in China. In fact, the pictures you saw in my WeChat momentswere taken when I was performing CPR on a dummy.

I have gained a lot from the club. It has taught me some life-saving skills. Moreover,it provides me with a chance to seethe medical professionals work up close, whose profound knowledge impresses me a lot. On top of that, I learnt that life can be fragile so we should respect it and cherish every day.

What clubs are you in? Write to me and tell me anything that you find interesting in your clubs! I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Li Hua