
发布时间:2022-04-01T14:38:51 初中英语作文


My grandpa has lived in my hometown for 50 years. He has seen the changes in our hometown by himself.

In the past, the houses were old and small. The stream was so dirty. And the gas was terrible. We went to work on foot or by bike. The roads were narrow. And our living conditions were bad.

But now, we live in the tall building. The stream is getting good. We go to work by bus or by car. There are many ring roads in my hometown.

And they are wide. Our living conditions are comfortable.

Our country has developed rapidly. And we must study hard to keep uo with the times.

我爷爷在我的家乡生活了 50 年。 他亲眼目睹了我们家乡的变化。

过去,房子又旧又小。 溪流太脏了。 而且气体很糟糕。 我们步行或骑自行车去上班。 道路很窄。 而且我们的生活条件很差。

但是现在,我们住在高楼里。 流越来越好。 我们乘公共汽车或汽车去上班。 我的家乡有很多环路。

而且它们很宽。 我们的生活条件很舒适。

我国发展迅速。 我们必须努力学习才能与时俱进。

Recently,there has been an activity of “doing your bit for an energy-saving society” in our school.

Our schoolmates are highly concerned about the increasing lack of energy and provide their own suggestions.

Some students suggest that we shouldn't waste any food or paper, though they appear very easy to get. Meanwhile, some other students think it advisable to refuse to use disposable chopsticks and plastic bags.

Besides, it is also strongly recommended that those used textbooks as well as reference books of graduates, which are still in good condition, not be thrown but recycled.

Actually, there are still quite a lot that we can easily do: say, try to take buses or ride bicycles instead of driving cars, etc. All of these will definitely help to build an energy-saving society.



一些学生建议我们不应该浪费任何食物或纸张,尽管它们看起来很容易获得。 同时,其他一些学生认为拒绝使用一次性筷子和塑料袋是可取的。



Water is to us what air is to birds. As our daily necessity, we can't live without water. Nevertheless, there do exist many severe water pollutions all over the world.

As a result, it's no doubt that we should resort to measures to protect water resources.

Firstly, we are meant to take showers as quickly as possible.

On the other hand, there are no better ways than recycling water such as putting the water that has been used for washing dishes to the toilet water tank.

Last but not the least, it has also been proved to be an effective way to control the flow of water in case of the squander of water.

In conclusion, we must devote to protecting water resources, regardless of the minuscule effort we ordinary people make as well as the formidable task before us, for every drop of water helps.

We are sure to make a big difference and save our planet.

水之于我们就像空气之于鸟。 作为我们的日常必需品,我们离不开水。 然而,世界各地确实存在许多严重的水污染。





