
发布时间:2023-04-23T22:28:33 英语学习

正常用英语可以用 "normal" 或 "standard" 来表示。

"Normal" 来自拉丁文的 "normalis",意思是 "perpendicular" 或 "making right angles"。后来,这个词逐渐被用来表示 "conforming to a standard" 或 "typical".


The temperature outside is normal for this time of year.
She's not acting normal.

"Standard" 来自拉丁文的 "stant-, stans",意思是 "to stand"。后来,这个词被用来表示 "a level of quality or attainment" 或 "a required or agreed level of quality or attainment".


The company has a high standard for customer service.
She held herself to a standard of excellence.