
发布时间:2022-07-21T10:54:28 英语学习


michael joe jackson n. (= Michael Joe Jackson)迈克尔·乔·杰克逊

philip michael ondaatje n. (= Philip Michael Ondaatje) 腓力·迈克尔·翁达杰

Michael addition reaction 迈克尔加成反应

michael ondaatje n. (= Michael Ondaatje)迈克尔·翁达杰,麦可·翁达杰

reversal of the Michael addition 反麦克尔加成反应

michael gerald tyson n, (=Michael Gerald Tyson) 迈克尔·杰拉尔德·泰森

michael jackson phr. 迈克尔·杰克逊(男子名)

michael faraday n. (= Michael Faraday) 麦可·法拉第,迈克尔·法拉第

michael assat phr. 豺狼卡洛斯

george michael cohan n. (= George Michael Cohan) 乔治·迈克尔·科汉


1、By night, the brothers could be found at Prince's club, Glam Slam, dancing the night away.曾一度以符号代表自己名字,音乐融合骚灵、摇滚、Funky等多种风格,是上世纪八十年代与迈克尔-杰克逊齐名的歌手。

2、Michael Jackson's family have issued a statement schoing scotching the widespread rumours about the pop star's funeral.迈克尔杰克逊的家人发表声明,粉碎了关于该明星的葬礼的广泛传播的谣言。

3、However, it was his role as brooding jailbird Michael Scofield in Prison Break that catapulte d him firmly on to the TV A-list.当然最终使他名耀电视圈榜单的还是《越狱》中,小心谨慎的囚犯迈克尔·斯科菲尔德一角。

4、Nico Rosberg has just destroyed his Williams against the barrier in turn 14, leaving debris all over the circuit. There may also be debris in turn 4 after a collision between the two Williams.我一直说在迈克尔仍然在赛道上时成为冠军会比他退役以后更有价值,而我非常幸运,获得了他参赛的最后两个赛季的冠军。