There is classic story about a fishman and his wife. The fishman caught a golden fish and the fish asked the fishman to let it go for giving the fishman wish. The fishman’s wife asked his husband to get more, at last, the golden fish was angry and made the fis…


For every girl, they dream to be a princess, just like the one in the fairy tale. So they loss their weight, for the purpose of looking perfect and thinner like the princess. I have witnessed so many girls around me try hard to control their weight, in fact, t…


High school seems to be the difficulty time for most students. While for me, I don’t feel much pressure. Though I have so many subjects to learn and I have to fight for my future, thinking about making many friends here and we study together, it is such a good…


Mid-autumn Festival is one of the most important festivals for Chinese people, which even occupies the same position with Spring Festival. It is said that the festival originated from a love story. A man with great strength shot nine suns and left only one, wh…


投稿作者:梁宇  Jason 学校:湘潭大学 投稿方式:电子邮件 The happiest memory in my childhood was making snowman with my friends. As I was a little boy, I always went out with my friends to make snowmen and play with snow when it snowed heavily. We divided ourselves into several group…


The happiest memory in my childhood was making snowman with my friends. As I was a little boy, I always went out with my friends to make snowmen and play with snow when it snowed heavily. 我童年最快乐的记忆是和朋友一起堆雪人。当我还是一个小男孩的时候,我总是和我的朋友在雨下得很大的时候一起去堆雪人、玩雪。 We divided o…


我们都知道,儿童英语学习方式不能太过于死板,要灵活多变,让孩子能够在英语学习的过程中感受到快乐,对英语产生浓厚的学习兴趣。只有当孩子对某一件事感兴趣时,他才会自主的去学习、思考专注,从而更有效的学好英语。今天小编教大家5种儿童趣味英语学习方式,提高孩子学习英语的兴趣,让孩子快乐学英语。 1、看动画,学英语 儿童都喜欢看动画片,一部好的动画片能够能够让孩子集中全部的注意力,沉浸于其中。家长可以该孩子挑选一部故事情节丰富画面感比较强的英文动画,同时最好是那种词汇重复率比较高、英文教学的的动画。孩子只要被故事画面调动,就…
