shout at与shout to 的区别

发布时间:2022-04-21T11:08:42 英语语法

shout atshout to 的区别


He was so angry that he shouted ________ everyone present.

A. at                        B. to                        C. for                        D. with

【分析】此题应选A。容易误选B。shout at sb / shout to sb 的区别可大致描述为:前者多指因为生气等而非善意地对某人吼叫,后者多指因距离远而不得不大声叫喊(否则对方无法听见),不带生气等感情因素。进一步归纳可得出:这类用法中的介词at表示目标或预定目的,介词to 只是客观地表示一种方向。体会以下类似句子:

a. The dog came at the boy. 狗向小男孩扑来。(意 即咬人)

b. The dog came to the boy. 狗向小男孩走过来。 (无咬人之意)

a. All of them ran at me. 他们都向我扑来。(意即 攻击我)

a. All of them ran to me. 他们都向我跑过来。(无 攻击之意)

a. He threw the ball at me. 他把球向我砸来。(意 欲打我)

b. He threw the ball to me. 他把球抛给我。(无打 人之意)

a. He shouted at his wife. 他对他妻子吼叫。( 意 在训人)

b. He shouted to his wife. 他朝他妻子大声喊叫。 (无训人之意)