go to bed的bed前绝对不用冠词吗

发布时间:2022-04-20T12:46:14 英语语法

go to bedbed前绝对不用冠词吗


I often drank milk before bed. 我常在就寝前喝牛奶。

It is too early for bed. 现在睡觉太早了。

He hopes to have a large bed. 他希望有一张大床。

He sat by the bed, watching TV. 他坐在床边看电视。

另外,与介词in, into, out of等连用时,通常不用冠词。如:

I like reading in bed. 我喜欢躺在床上看书。

He got into bed quickly. 他很快上了床。

I woke up and got out of bed. 我醒了就下了床。

类似于以上用法的名词还有school, church, class, college, school等。比较:

He goes to school every day. 他每天都去上学。

He goes to the school every day. 他每天都去这所这校。

She likes school. 她喜欢上学。

She likes the school. 她喜欢这所学校。

Church begins at 11 o’clock. 11点开始做礼拜。

The school is just past the church. 过了教堂就是学校。

He goes to the prison sometimes to give lectures. 他有时去监狱给囚犯演讲。

He says he’d rather go to prison than pay the fine. 他说他宁愿蹲监狱也不肯交罚款。

注意,这类名词前用不用冠词有时与英美英语的表达习惯有关。如“住院”在英国英语中通常说成 in hospital,而在美国英语中则通常说成in the hospital;类似的还有go to university (英)上大学 / go to the university (美)上大学;at table (英)在吃饭 / at the table (美)在吃饭。