bed, church, court, hospital, prison, school, college, university前冠词的省与留
We go:
to bed (to sleep or as invalids) 上床睡觉或(病人)卧床
to church (to pray) 去教堂祷告
to court (as litigants) 上法院打官司
to hospital (as patients) 去医院就医
to prison (as prisoners) 进监狱坐牢
to school / college / university (to study) 去学校 / 学院 / 大学读书
in bed (sleeping or resting) 在床上(睡觉或休息)
at church (as worshippers) 在教堂做礼拜
in court (as witnesses) 在法庭作证
in hospital (as patients) 生病住院
at school (as students) 在学校读书
be / get back / home from school / college / university从学校 / 大学上学回到家里
leave school 离校,放学回家
be released from prison 出狱
leave hospital 出院
I went to the church to see the stained glass. 我到教堂看染色拼花玻璃窗去了。
He goes to the prison sometimes to give lectures. 他有时去监狱给囚犯演讲。