1. 主格与宾语
主格 |
I |
you |
he |
she |
it |
we |
you |
they |
做主语 |
宾格 |
me |
you |
him |
her |
it |
us |
you |
them |
做动词、介词的宾语 |
意义 |
我 |
你 |
他 |
她 |
它 |
我们 |
你们 |
他们 |
“He has read the novel. ” “Me too. ” “他看过这小说”。“我也看过”。
2. 人称代词的排列顺序
You, he and I must obey the rules. 你,他和我都得遵守规则。
We, you and they should stay here. 我们,你们和他们都应该留在这。
It was I and Tom who were late. 迟到的是我和汤姆。
(2) 表示男女的代词并排使用时,通常是先男后女。如:
Nobody likes such things except him and her. 除了他和她,没有喜欢那样的东西。
3. 使用人称代词的几个注意点
(1) 指代国家、城市、地球、船舶、(雌性)动物等时,一般用代词 it,但也可用she / her(带感情色彩)。如:
My car’s not fast, but she does 50 miles to the gallon. 我的车不快,但每加仑油它能跑50英里。
(2) 当上文提到的人的性别不明时,一般用 he / him 来指代。如:
Whoever told you that, he was lying. 无论谁对你那样说,他都在说谎。
If a person had so much money, he would do it in another way. 要是一个人有那么多钱,他就会用另外一种方法做这事。
【说明】对于 anybody, everybody, nobody, anyone, someone, everyone, no one 这类性别不明的不定代词,它们可用单数 he, him 指代,也可用复数 they, them指代,用单数较正式,用复数较口语化。如:
If anybody [anyone] comes, ask him [them] to wait. 要是有人来,让他等着。
(3) 代词we, you, they 有时可用于泛指一般人。如:
We [You] ought to obey the law. 大家都应遵守法律。