no one, nobody与none的用法区别区别
1. no one与nobody同义,均只能指人,不能指物;用作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数,且其后一般接表范围的of短语。如:
No one [Nobody] spoke during supper. 吃晚饭时没有人说话。
No one [Nobody] answered my call for help. 没有人理会我的呼救。
No one [Nobody] saw through his disguise. 谁也没有识破他的伪装。
No one [Nobody] recognized the stranger in their midst. 没人认出他们当中的陌生人。
2.none 既可指人也可指物,既可用于可数名词,也可用于不可数名词;其后通常接 of 短语。如:
None of his strategies worked. 他的战略无一奏效。
None of his friends has seen his house. 他的朋友中没有任何人见过他的房子。
None of the money has been spent. 这笔钱一点儿也没花。
None of the evidence adduced in court was conclusive. 在法庭上引证的证据都不确凿。
None of the food was left. 一点食物都没留下。
None of the books is [are] interesting. 没有一本书有趣。
3. none 往往暗示有一定的范围(这种范围通常就表现在其后的 of 短语上),而 no one 或 nobody 则不暗示这种范围。体会下面的两组对话:
A:Did any of your friends come to see you? 你的朋友当中有谁来看过你吗?
B:None. 一个也没来。
A:Did anyone come to see you? 有人来看过你吗?
B:No one [Nobody]. 谁也没来。
(4) none 有时暗示一种数量,即指数量上“一个也没有”,而 no one 或 nobody 则往往表示一种全面否定,即指“谁都没有”,所以在回答 how many 或 how much 的提问时,通常用 none,而在回答 who 的提问时,通常用 no one 或 nobody。体会:
A:How many English books have you read? 你读过多少本英文书?
B:None. 一本也没读。
A:How much money did you give her? 你给了她多少钱?
B:None. 一分也没给。
A:Who went to see the film? 谁去看电影了?
B:No one [Nobody]. 谁也没去。