
发布时间:2023-04-09T10:34:09 英语学习

锤子的英文是 hammer。关于它的来源,根据史料记载,人类早在新石器时代就已经开始使用锤子了。最初,锤子用来击打金属和石头,用来打造工具和武器。随着技术的发展,锤子也发生了演变,并且在建筑和家装等领域中广泛使用。


I need a hammer to hang this picture on the wall.
The carpenter used a hammer and nails to build the bookshelf.
Be careful with the hammer, it can cause serious injuries if used improperly.
The hammer is a simple but versatile tool that has many uses in daily life.
The blacksmith's hammer rang out as he shaped the hot metal on the anvil.